sound:frame goes Kubic ...
sound:frame is visual host of the project Kubik Wien,
a temporary light installation at Votivpark, Vienna.

From 19th of november to 31st of december one can enjoy the arrangement of watertanks, light and architecture while listening to electronic music and drinking a punch.
visualized by:
Anna Blume (sound:frame A/V, superkitsch)
.mrt (sound:frame A/V, Elektrofachadel)
Matheusz Najder (sound:frame A/V)
mikimoto aka. aka michi seidl
ton:ge:misch (sound:frame A/V)
wednesdays hosted by sound:frame:
24 NOV ::: Flowjob & Colt (Susi Klub)
01 DEC ::: Joja (jne) & FJ leigh
08 DEC ::: Lehrl & Cid Rim (Fluxuskompensator)
15 DEC ::: Anna Leiser & Ina D (sound:frame AV)
22 DEC ::: Glamboys VIE (sound:frame AV)
sound:frame proudly presents ...
sound:frame 2011 - perFORMance - 25.3.2011 – 10.4.2011

2011 the sound:frame festival will celebrate its 5th anniversary, approaching the previous theme dimensions on an additional level.
The last festival had its emphasis on audio:visual handling of spatial qualities and three-dimensional, spatial structures, whereas the theme in 2011 will extend its focus on performance/live action. That is to say that space will be primarily intended for performances, spatial sculptures will turn into a stage for live shows and installations will be audio:visually performed in real time. There will be once again room for specially designed A/V-concepts.
The Ottakringer Brewery will be the OPENING location offering a broad program of audio:visual live bands, electronic live acts, live visuals and a DJ/VJ program. We’re excited to have already received our first exclusive bookings and are meanwhile developing new concepts as well as finishing elaborate commissioned work.
In 2010, the audio:visual installations were located at several different galleries in Vienna. Next year the installations will be mainly featured at live events where they can be experienced through innovative space-time constellations.
Numerous locations in Vienna will once again become part of our audio:visual spectacle. Among others, the film museum Live Cinema will cooperate with us regarding several performances.
sound:frame’s discussion series will be taken further by an international team, who will review the latest approaches in audio:visual and intercreative art forms.
You won’t want to miss special highlights, such as the party tram that is again scheduled for next year.
We look forward to a diverse audio:visual perFORMance program and we’ll keep you posted on further details!
Truly yours,
the sound:frame team!
The "Austrian of the Year" goes to ...
Eva Fischer, curator of sound:frame festival, was voted „Austrian of the Year“ in the field creative industries.
On behalf of the entire team we would like compliment her on this accomplishment!

Ever since 2006, when she first established the festival, Eva works as director and visual artist e:v/a. Additionally she manages to do a lot of public work for the field of audio:visual arts. Starting this December she will be leading the agency and video label sound:frame A/V. Juggling all these duties isn´t always easy. The entire team would like to thank Eva for her patience, persistence and inspiration. During the last 5 years Eva supported a great number of artists and colleagues, we would like to thank her for her work.
Thanks to everyone who voted for Eva and all our partners!
the sound:frame team

Friday, 21st May, 6 pm - 11 pm
Austrian Pavillon (Main Hall)
Free entrance
The sound:frame festival 2010 passed like a train in rush hour, and we're really happy about the past four incredible, thrilling and eventful audio:visual weeks!

We hope that you, like us, experience Vienna in a slightly different way, and that our beloved city grew on you with its versatile places and possibilities!
There is huge potential, and we have a lot of great artists and enthusiastic people that want to make a difference and who take that extra step to do that. At this point, thanks so much to all our cooperation partners! Many people from all over the world have their eyes on Vienna and love to come to visit us. We're also very excited about the cooperations with other european festivals and organizers.
2010 will go on as terrific as it started!

Time to say "thank you!"

We'd also like to say thanks to the whole sound:frame Team! You're GREAT!
A huge thank you to all the supporters and sponsors, whose help made a project like this even possible!
Also, we would like to say thanks to all the artists, who did great work and never failed to amaze us!
Last, but not least, a big thanks to all the visitors for their interest and the great great atmosphere!
We're looking forward to 2011!
Special thanks to Florian Weber, Raphi, Klaus and Philipp at Concept Solutions and, Harald Neger from Ottakringer and Chris Eibl at Klangfarbe.
covering the theory